Visiting us.

You are more than welcome to drop in between 10am and 2pm to have a look around and meet the staff and see the routines of the pre-school.

Our address is: Holcombe Brook Methodist Church, Bolton Rd W, Ramsbottom, Bury, BL0 9QZ

Call us on: 07940 157452

Session costs

Parents of children who are not yet entitled to funding or who are claiming all or part of their funding in another setting will receive a bill at the beginning of each half term.
The current fee per session (9am – 12pm = 3 hours) is £13.50.
Lunch club (12pm – 1pm) is £4.50 per child and they bring a packed lunch.
We provide a selection of healthy snacks and milk or water each morning, we ask for 50p per session for snacks.
only snack fees apply as top ups for those fully funded children
For 1 full day = £27 this includes snacks.

Finding us.

We are downstairs at Holcombe Brook Methodist Church on Bolton Road West. You enter the building from the side entrance up the ramp. There is a bell at the top right of the door which is locked at the beginning of every session, please ring the bell and a member of staff will come and let you in.

Allergies and dietary requirements

We are able to accommodate children with different dietary, allergy and addition needs. Please indicate any requirements on the application form.

Toilet training

Children do not have to be toilet trained, we are able to support children who are still in nappies and pull-ups and we will support parents when they decide the time is right for their child to begin.
For further information see our ‘Potty Training Guide’.